Solutions & Services
Profile Script platform supports the complete lifecycle of transcripts’ generation, starting from the digital recording of the court proceedings which are performed utilizing sophisticated audio and IT equipment, temporarily storing audio files, locally, until the transcribers prepare trial transcripts, for approval and validation by the judge and the appointed trial secretary.
Then, the final transcript and audio are centrally stored to be available to anyone involved and of interest through a publicly accessed portal. A powerful search tool is provided to enable users to find and access the transcripts.
30 Years Experience
World Industry Reports
Quick Turnaround
Dedicated Support
The recording solution, part of the Profile Script platform, includes the setup of the necessary computing and audio equipment at each court to record and store at high quality audio files all the trial proceedings. For purposes of availability, files are saved and kept initially at the recording workstation which is located in each courtroom, then forwarded to the Court’s Local Server that collects audio files from all courtrooms and proceeds to high quality encoding. The decoded files are further forwarded to a central Datacenter (either in the cloud or on premises depending on the selected approach) and stored permanently.
The recording solution can serve all levels of civil and criminal courts (County Courts, Courts of First Instance and Courts of Appeal) supporting unlimited number of court rooms and primary users (court secretaries and/or judges). Variations of the selected recording mode may apply, according to the court’s level and activity.
The solution can work either as a web application or as a standalone application. The latter is the preferred choice by most Courts, when high availability of the recording infrastructure is of utmost importance, as it allows recording without the need of an internet connection.
After draft transcripts have been produced there become accessible for approval and the production of the official judgment by the respective secretaries and judges consecutively.
Depending on the implementation type, raw transcripts follow an approval workflow, until they are finalized and digitally signed. They, then, become available for searching and downloading by the target users. These include both system users (secretaries and judges) and public users (lawyers and citizens).
According to the implementation workflow, the system can both provide draft transcripts or official judgments (after the drafts have been approved).
At the same time, real-time monitoring and operation support can be offered under SLA provisions. Typical services offered are remote recording system, monitoring & annotation.
Our services emphasize both on timely response while recording a courtroom proceedings and the transcription process, having as our goal to minimize any downtime.
The support service provided ensures peace-of-mind as the experienced technicians are on call to help when needed.
In particular, as far as interoperability is concerned the system smoothly connects to other complementary systems in order to have i.e. validation of lawyer’s identity, each trial’s docket import, etc. with the use of web services or other means depending on the case.
At each storing level (namely recording workstation, Local Server or Central Server) audio files and transcripts can be stored based on set parameters, , indexed and made available to users instantly for a number of years.
Consulting usually includes the following:
- Mapping of the existing process, regulations and procedure review
- Understanding of the existing infrastructure identification and evaluation
- Gap analysis and assessment
- Process Design
- Solution Design
Greek Courts of First Instance
Total No of Courts equipped with solution | 63 Courts at all 51 Greek prefectures |
Total No of Court Rooms | 385 |
Users – Secretaries & Judges | 2200+ |
Brief Solution Description | Profile installed the required infrastructure (computing and audio equipment) at all courtrooms of the 63 Courts of First Instance, as well as the recording and transcription solutions for independent local use. Transcription services are offered by own transcribers which are located on each Court’s premises with real-time access to audio files produced during each trial, in order to prepare transcripts within predefined time frames. Audio and text files (transcripts) are forwarded to a central datacenter installed in the Ministry of Justice. The solution is in production since 2016. |
Greek Courts of Appeal
Total No of Courts equipped with solution | 19 Courts at all 13 Greek regions |
Total No of Court Rooms | 45 |
Users – Secretaries & Judges | 750+ |
Brief Solution Description | Profile provided all the necessary infrastructure as well as the recording and transcription software to all courtrooms needed under the 19 Court of Appeal to also accommodate independent local use. The transcription services offered include transcribers located locally that have real-time access to audio files of each trial so as to prepare the transcript at an agreed time and date. Audio and text files are forwarded to the main data center. The solution is live since 2016. |
Greek County Courts
Total No of Courts equipped with solution | 154 Courts at all 324 Greek municipalities |
Total No of Court Rooms | 188 |
Users – Secretaries & Judges | 1350+ |
Brief Solution Description | Profile supported all the courtrooms of 154 Country Courts to gain access to the required infrastructure, recording and transcription that is needed locally. Services include the provision of own transcribers based in each Court having real time access to each trial’s audio files and then being able to product the transcripts at the agreed timeframe. Audio and text files are forwarded to the Ministry of Justice’s main datacenter. Since 2016, the solution is up and running delivering accuracy and fast response. |

The recording solution can serve all levels of civil and criminal courts (County Courts, Courts of First Instance and Courts of Appeal) supporting unlimited number of courtrooms and primary users (court secretaries and/or judges). Variations of the selected recording mode may apply, according to the court’s level and activity. The solution can work either as a web application or as a standalone application. The latter is the preferred choice by most Courts, when high availability of the recording infrastructure is of utmost importance, as it allows recording without the need of an internet connection.

With the commencement of audio files recording, audio is divided to various parts according to size and forwarded to the Local or Central Server. From that point on the Transcription solution breaks down the recordings to smaller ones and produces a list of audio files that are shared among the well trained and experienced transcribers who access them in real-time and produce the draft transcripts. After draft transcripts have been produced they become accessible for approval and the production of the official judgment by the respective secretaries and judges consecutively.
Depending on the implementation type, raw transcripts follow an approval workflow, until they are finalized and digitally signed. They, then, become available for searching and downloading by the target users. These include both system users (secretaries and judges) and public users (lawyers and citizens). According to the implementation workflow, the system can both provide draft transcripts or official judgments (following approval of drafts).

Profile Digital Services can offer consulting services in order to help mapping organisations’ existing transcript production processes, procedures and policies. It also entails understanding of the existing infrastructure so as to recognise what is currently available and what can be used for operating a modern reliable digital trial recording solution.
Consulting usually includes the following:
- Mapping of the existing process, regulations and procedure review
- Understanding of the existing infrastructure identification and evaluation
- Gap analysis and assessment
- Process Design
- Solution Design

With the commencement of audio files recording, audio is divided to various parts according to size and forwarded to the Local or Central Server. From that point on the Transcription solution breaks down the recordings to smaller ones and produces a list of audio files that are shared among the well trained and experienced transcribers who access them in real-time and produce the draft transcripts. After draft transcripts have been produced they become accessible for approval and the production of the official judgment by the respective secretaries and judges consecutively.
Depending on the implementation type, raw transcripts follow an approval workflow, until they are finalized and digitally signed. They, then, become available for searching and downloading by the target users. These include both system users (secretaries and judges) and public users (lawyers and citizens). According to the implementation workflow, the system can both provide draft transcripts or official judgments (following approval of drafts).

Operations and Support
Profile Digital Services is able to offer managed Court Services that can cover any need. Our highly experienced and well trained transcribers are ready to produce fast and accurate transcripts. In particular, the company, apart from the platform itself, can undertake the operation of the system by mobilizing and providing professionals that offer transcription services, located at their own or at the organization’s premises. At the same time, real-time monitoring and operation support can be offered under SLA provisions. Typical services offered include: remote recording system, monitoring and annotation.
Our services focus on both timely response, while recording a courtroom proceedings and the transcription process. Our goal is to minimize any downtime. The support service provided ensures peace-of-mind as the experienced technicians are on call to help when needed.